Mex 011-52-315-112-1523

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  • Melaque Mexico, Vacations in Mexico

Melaque Mexico, Vacations in MexicoAhh Mexico! I do think non-monetary payment for services is coming back into vogue in the Canada and the US. Here in Melaque, Mexico "trade" for services is very common.

As many of you know my wife, Rosa, is a doctor.  She was trained in Guadalajara and has a thriving practice here.

Dra. Rosa loves her work and those not able to pay are never turned away. Over 1000 free treatments are given every year. Half for the Mixtecas and the others for locals.

  • Melaque rainbow over the mountains

Melaque rainbow over the mountainsI have to say we have been having some very strange weather here in Melaque Mexico.  The first of February we had a couple of days of rain, rarely do we get rain in the winter and certianly nothing significant.  This was a downpour.  Shortly after the most magnificant rainbow appeared, something else very rare to see.  And then a double rainbow!

Thanks to our fiends and supporters, The Dance for the Children, held August 16th in Victoria, was a wonderful event and a great success. The final tally isn't in yet, but at last count about $3500 was raised. That's about 4 x more than we were aiming for!  Rosa and I feel so blessed and thank everyone for their support in this important project.  

Here is a short video about the albergue (or refuge) created by Dr. Rosa with the support of our friends and volunteers.

  • Melaque Mexico Hotel Coconut Harvest

Coco water is all the rage in the States and Canada.  I'm here to attest if you've been drinking those cartons of coco water from the grocery store you really don't have any idea what the real deal tastes like!  Here along the Pacific coast of Mexico we have access to an endless supply of fresh coconuts.   There is nothing like a sitting on the beach in Melaque and enjoying a fresh coconut. 


There are always projects to complete at El Palmar and some more enjoyable than others.  Last year we competed the solar water heating system, see the video here.  It sounded like a fine idea when I began but it did take a bit longer than I anticipated!  But the project is done and the Melaque sunshine is serving us and our guests well, we have an endless supply of hot water at virtually no cost to us or the environment.
