Mex 011-52-315-112-1523

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Summer is in full swing!

Yes, it's that time of the year here in Melaque, Mexico. The weather is the big topic of discussion. People are still enjoying there vacation in Mexico but everything is just a little slower because it's HOT! Mexican schools just got out for their summer break and nationals are heading to the beach in droves. This is a great time to head to Mexico for a summer getaway.  You might get a little rain but that just serves to make everything green and give you that real tropical feeling.

Locals are taking their siestas seriously, 2-4ish in the afternoon everything is closed up.  Many shops won't open back up until 5 or 6pm, it depends on how the sun is hitting the front door!  Taco stands don't get going until 9 at night, all in an effort to beat the heat.  

I'll share a little secret with you...We close up during these months and head to Canada!  That's right, we've done the summers and we have to say we prefer the Fall and Winter.  We head back down in October and get El Palmar spruced up and ready to welcome guests.  

Believe it or not we already have bookings for the winter.  If you have a favorite room at El Palmar, now is thetime to reserve it.